UX urban design
A new urban design practice for helping cities to be (truly) more users-friendly initiated as one of the conclusion of my research on subjective mapping.
Approach thought at Strate School of design (Paris) to the students of the Master Design for Smart Cities since 2017.

UX Urban Design presentation @ ICADE Lab – 22 janvier 2018 – Quentin LEFEVRE (drawing: B. Pacaud)
Why UX Urban Design ?
Most of our contemporary cities have to face simultaneously a public participation demand, a better urban life quality need and smart city ideal. Urban design and urban planning fields have to renew their methods and processes in order to include the inhabitants as a proper stakeholder and also sometimes to deal with lower public investment.
UX Urban Design is a contemporary urban design approach that is by definition user-centred and which focuses on designing our cities by and for better users experience.
This approach aims to answer to the following question : how to improve the urban design methods and processes in order to make our cities more « users-friendly » which simply means more comfortable for all ?
How to do UX Urban Design ?
- by applying the UX design principles to the urban design sphere
- by analysing and designing public spaces through a transversal approach in terms of spaces, urban functions, time and people
- by considering public space design in an integrated, relational and multi-places perspective
Want to know more ?
1_ Lecture on « Subjective Mapping and UX Urban Design » at the CAMP – Center for Architecture and Métropolitan Planning
Given in Prague (Czech Rep.), January 2019 :
2_ Article based on a speech at the Smart Cities Expo
Given in New Delhi (India), May 2018 :
3_ PDF file resuming the UX Urban Design approach :